Monday, 16 January 2012

Register Right Now for Write Now

You only have until the 19th January to take advantage of the 'early bird' rates for Write Now.

2 Days £75 / £50 Student
Day 1 - Skills Day Only £60 / £40 Student
Day 2 - Conference Day Only £40 / £25 Student

Book your place by calling 0141 548 3511 during normal business hours, or online, using this link

For more information go to

Write Now 2012 (Mitchell Library, Glasgow 9-10 March)
Friday 9 March: Skills for Creative Writing 9.00am - 5.30pm
Come along and learn how to improve your writing and market your work effectively in our series of workshops delivered by professional authors.  Meet independent publishers and representatives from Scotland-based magazines at our lunchtime networking zone ‘The Marketplace’.
Saturday 10th March: Critical Approaches to Creative Writing 9.00am – 6.00pm
Researchers and writers will present their work in a critical context with an opportunity for attendees to ask questions at the end of each session.
9:00am – Registration
9:30am – Welcome and housekeeping
9: 40am – Opening Panel
10:45am – Break for tea and coffee
11:00am – 1st SKILLS SESSION
12:30pm – Lunch
12:30 to 14:30 - The Marketplace and 13:15 to 14:15 – Performance pop up event
2:30 pm – 2nd SKILLS SESSION
4:00pm – Break for tea and coffee
4: 30pm – Keynote Address Christopher Brookmyre
Close 5:30pm
9:00am – Registration
9:30am – Welcome and housekeeping
9: 40am – Panel Discussion
10:45am – Break for tea and coffee
11:00am – 1st panel sessions
3 papers (20mins each) plus 30mins at the end for Q & A discussion
12:45pm – Lunch
1:30 pm – 2nd panel sessions
3 papers (20mins each) plus 30mins at the end for Q & A discussion
3:15pm – Break for tea and coffee
3:30 pm – 3rd panel session
3 papers (20mins each) plus 30mins at the end for Q & A discussion
5 pm – Keynote Address Alan Bissett, Ewan Morrison & Zoë Strachan
Close 6pm
Skills Session Day – Friday 9 March

The Mechanics of Page Turning: Narrative Drive

11.00am – 12.30pm

Narrative drive is a vital element in getting your work published. Novelist Sara Sheridan provides key hints and tips to keep the pages turning.

Making the Pitch and not Striking Out

11:00-12:30 or 14:30-16:00

Novelist Helen FitzGerald and screenwriter Sergio Casci will look at the art of the verbal pitch.

Looking for an Agent? An Expert Guide to the Submissions Process


Now you’ve written – or are writing – your book, how will you get it accepted by an agent, publisher or editor? Nicola Morgan reveals the common traps for the unwary and offers tips for success.


11.00am – 12.30pm Part 1 (requires advanced preparation by participants)

Don’t get left behind.  Writer and web designer Cat Dean will guide participants through setting up their own writer’s website-with-blog. By the end of the day, each participant will have a simple, but fully functioning website-with-blog.

The Marketplace

12.30am – 14.30pm

Interested in the Scottish publishing scene?  If so ‘The Marketplace’ is the place to be.  This showcase will feature independent publishers and Scotland-based magazines that provide an outlet for new writers.  Pick up the latest and the best new writing along with ideas on how to get started writing or where to place your work.

Day 2 speakers and speaker bios will be available shortly.

Any literary magazines,  publishing houses, or small presses who would like to participate in our Marketplace or have their catalogues displayed, please contact Bryony Stocker ( for rates and information re: facilities.

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